Boost EVO Quartz Atomizer
The Boost EvO Atomizeris a fuly buit componenthat incudesthe IntelEMp heating element,a quartz vapoizin chamber, and a stainless stel boov.The heating element andinternals of the atomizer are fully isolated from your oils as well as the vapor path to prevent any residue build-up.
The InteliTEMp heating elementincludes a buit in, patent-.pending temperature sensor that sends feedback on the atomizer's temperature in real time to the unit to deliver anacurate, reneatable vapor exoerience every sinole time, The Bost Ev0 0uatz Atomizer alo features oursnantech maonetic svstem, makinathe lading prces incredihly simnle
with no threading or twisting necessary for insertion or removal.
Boost EVO Replacement Glass Attachment
Replacement glass attachment for the Boost EVO.
WARNING: Cols wil only work on a device caable of iring atomizers.,Must ensure that your batteres can handle atomizers and cos. please use at your own risk and awaysuse properprecautions and handing as these are very sensitive to charoing characteristics and may explode or burn ifnot propery handled. please note that there is an inherent risk withthe use of anycoilor device and alrechargeable batenies in any circumstance. AK Wholesale Iinc. is not responslble for any damage,injury, or defect caused by the improperuse and/or mishanding of colsdevices, Li-ion(Lithium-ion), LiPo (Lithium-ion polymer), and any rechargeable batteries and chargers.
Please use at your own risk and before use read the manual.